Sunday, June 21, 2009

Outrigger Kayak Camp

Yesterday morning was NHC's Outrigger Kayak Camp. This is an youth event that the church does every year. It is supported in large part by NHC partner Pam Landrum, owner of The Outdoors Inn & Outfitters in Manteo, NC. She supplies all of the kayaks, as well as her years of experience and knowledge. She took us out on a three hour tour (a three hour tour) through the salt marshes of the Roanoke Sound.

About halfway through our trip, we stopped at a small island and got out of our kayaks. We waded through the water with a net and caught tiny fish, shrimp, and crabs. Pam explained that the vast majority of the seafood that we eat is born in the salt marshes. We then got back in the kayaks, and listened to Andy share a few thoughts from 1 Corinthians 13 before heading back.

Here a few pictures of us getting ready to launch.

After I Kayak Camp was over, I came home for a few hours, and then I went over to Seth and Gina Harris's house with Les and Carol. Seth grilled us up a delicious steak and shrimp dinner. After dinner, we played the Battle of the Sexes board game, which the men won.

It was a great day.



  1. I think we had 12 or 13 altogether.

  2. Seth wanted me to check with you ....something about the Spice Girls????

  3. Burnie...ask him about Kelly Clarkson.
